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Mass Effect 2: Review

Two years before the events Mass Effect 2 The brave captain Shepard dealt with the ruler – a huge intelligent spaceship, a representative of the ancient race of the reapers who arrive every fifty thousand years to save the universe from the broody organic forms of life. However, this was not a victory in the war – only the battle won, and the offensive of powerful enemies was not prevented, but for a while it was delayed. Having decided to eliminate the threat once and for all, Shepard sets off in search of new adventures, simultaneously finishing off the remnants of the Geta army, but once meets the enemy, who for two years is out of order of our hero and turns his beloved “Normandy” into a pile of scrap metal ..

In search of new friends

Waking up in one of the laboratories of Cerberus – the same anti -human organization that conducted inhuman experiments on Rakhni at Mass Effect, – Shepard, interrupting a couple of dozens of hostile robots, meets Miranda. Mrs. Lawson, whose voice and appearance were “leased” from the Australian film actress Ivonn Strachovski (Yvonne Strzechowski), turns out to be an employee of Cerberus and tells our hero that he was absent for two whole years and that the head of the corporation wants to talk with him – a mysterious ghost. During the conversation, it turns out that the alignment in the world is not the most favorable: human colonies are ruined by an unknown enemy, the Council hesitated the case with the Reapers, and the captain’s former partners scattered through the galaxy to solve their problems. Despite the distrust of the constantly smoking ghost, you have to agree to work with him, because the threat to all living things is more real than ever. Yes, and the new Normandy, donated by a newborn ally, has to cooperate.

After approximately understanding what’s what, the captain understands: the only way to stop the destruction of the colonies is to attack the enemy on its own territory. The mission is dangerous, and therefore flying on it alone and without proper preparation is a stupid risk, so you should think about a good team, the selection of which, in fact, is the main goal of the game. Having taken the ghost of a weighty pack of resume, Shepard sets off.

Perhaps it is in the selection of personnel that is one of the more or less significant shortcomings Mass Effect 2. Having devoted almost all the screen time to our assistants, the scriptwriters completely forgot about the main storyline, so be morally prepared for catastrophically small number of “breakdowns” and the fact that you will receive answers to all questions that excite you in the final part of the trilogy. Sad, but not critical, because Mass Effect 2 There is something to distract from the mess with the Reapers.

A mighty bunch of new different allies came out extremely colorful. Of course, their archetypes are recognizable, but the details and elaboration of the stories of partners make each of them unique. Here you have a crazy Salarian scientist, and a bloodthirsty Krogan, and a gloomy killer with philosophical views on life … It makes no sense to list all – to fall in love with these wonderful guys, you must chat with them. It is unlikely that anyone will remain indifferent to the song of Professor Mordin, flirting of shy quarming and soldiers’ bikes of the mercenary Zaid.

One of the most important characteristics of each member of a motley company is loyalty. To get it, it will have to help comrades to bury their cabinet skeletons once and for all, otherwise someone can suddenly panic at the height of the last battle, remembering the forgotten birthday of his beloved grandmother, which will certainly turn out to be sad consequences, so the psychoanalyst should not be neglected. In addition, having won the confidence of the companion, you will get an additional skill for him and the ability to slightly change his appearance.

Lost bag

After making sure that the interactive movie Mass Effect turned out to be extremely successful, beautiful and interesting, developers from BioWare They got rid of almost all the ballast, slowing the players on the way to a spectacular denouement. Alas, they overdid it slightly.

The characters development system has lost a lot of weight compared to and so bony predecessor from Mass Effect. Now each ally has only four skills, only Shepard can have more.

From now on, no “expls” for the mountains of corpses: experience points are issued only for completed tasks. Want to pump to the maximum level? Please perform additional quests. The benefit of pokatushki on mako according to monotonous planets were abolished. All locations are made manually, and the design of many leaves an indelible impression: the spaceship hanging over the abyss and the snowy place of the collapse of the first Normandy are impressive. True, the essence of most missions is still in the banal cleaning of the territory.

Having decided, apparently, that the Savior of the Galaxy did not apply to rummage through the pockets of the dead enemies, simultaneously pulling off their boots, the developers cut down All Inventory and collection of loot for the root. Now no dressing up in the midst of battle and improvements to rifles in marching conditions.

All manipulations with a change in armor are carried out in the captain’s cabin on Normandy. The armor has ceased to be solid, so you can combine any gloves with any shoulders and shells, paint them like a soul and even paint them with patterns. The exception is bonus sets, which even have the helmets are attached tightly, which will surely saddle lovers to shake the beautifully animated faces of their Sheparts.

Weapons (and spacesuits) can no longer be modified “on the go” using the modules found in the middle of the ristel, any upgrade must be explored in the Normandy laboratory according to pre -purchased or found schemes. At the same time, not some individual rifle improves, but all at once. All sorts of fire and freezing cartridges outgrew into characters’ ability and cannot be used by all members of the detachment.

Someone will definitely not like this, but you can not name the deliverance from tons of rubbish hidden on the ridge in a very bad solution. And what to call the hero of the person who meticulously gut the pockets of each corpse?

For improvements, by the way, you will have to pay. But not so much money as resources mined on planets. Remember how in the first part you plowed the expanses of the universe in search of some records, emblem and other garbage? IN Mass Effect 2, Unfortunately, the idea was developed. To find fifty thousand units of platinum, you will have to manually scan the heels of the planets and stick each probes like a pillow for needles. Add to this also that the stock of these probes ends, and Normandy must be periodically refueled … In short, it is best to play Shakhtar before bedtime.

Towards adventures!

Of course, you can argue for a long time about whether it was worth sending an inventory to scrap, cutting an already modest development system and concentrate all the attention on Shepard’s team, but all this in any case does not matter. After all, the main thing in Mass Effect 2 – The fact that it gives a real epic adventure, in which you do not just move through thousands of mobs to the main boss, but really affect what is happening around. Any freedom of action in the game is obviously conditional, but craftsmen from BioWare managed to make it that you believe in it unconditionally. Will your Shepard survive? Will it be possible to save the crew? Is it worth it at the end to fulfill the request of the ghost or listen to your conscience? All in your hands. And such power is truly addictive and drunk.

Of particular pleasure will be those who will transfer to Mass Effect 2 their characters from the first part. Alas, there will be no truly global consequences from the past solutions, but the pleasure of a heap of letters from old acquaintances, meetings with military comrades and conversations about “good good days” is guaranteed.

The whole world of the game is rich in little things, pleasant details and funny Easterns. Judge for yourself: any race has its own story, each planet has a description and characteristics (although, it would seem, who needs it?). Entering the captain’s cabin at Normandy, you can turn on music, feed fish (sold in the citadel!) or look at the photograph of your passion from the first part. It’s funny, but when your Shepard will spin an affair with someone else, the picture on the table will be turned upside down! And it is unlikely that Baldur’s Gate fans will not be touched, looking at the cosmic hamster.

With humor, it is also a complete order, especially the scriptwriters successful skirmishes of the Joker with Normandy AI Suzi and sparkling comments of Professor Mordin, who will offer you a good remedy for safe sex (with a set of cognitive brochures), will sing his favorite song. Well, from the quest, in which two Krogans are eager to enjoy the fish from Lake Citadel, you can completely measure with laughter.

It is a pity that combat locations cannot boast of such originality and at least some interesting details. Any area intended for a fight is a narrow corridor with boxes, containers and stone blocks that exist everywhere, existing only so that you have to hide during, alas, quite monotonous shootings. Yes, the developers have worked well on the balance and usefulness of skills, but the faithful rifle is always the most reliable, and they rarely have to smoke opponents-they themselves are happy to protrude due to shelters. Fortunately, the skirmishes are fleeting and dynamic, so you will not have to grit your teeth from a forty -brown hunt for cloned robots.

In any case, Mass Effect won the hearts of millions not with brawls, but with its cinematography, brilliant directing and excellent dialogs. Any shootout is just a prelude to the next interactive video that you are not just observing, but in which you are the main acting person. And if earlier, I always had to conduct a dialogue to the end, now the developers have a great refreshing communication with the NPC, the opportunity to interrupt the conversation, both in a good way and in a while. At a certain moment, when the corresponding symbol lights up on the screen, you can, for example, cut a reinforced reporter with a powerful hook or quickly push the gaping girl from the fire line. Add to this magnificent animation, good graphics and first-class voice acting-and you will get an almost perfect expensive science fiction action movie who can easily compete with many Hollywood productions.

Mass Effect 2 – amazing continuation of an excellent game. The developers tried to take into account all the main complaints: they threw out unnecessary races according to ugly planets on MAKO, abolished the elevators, finalized the combat system, added to dialogs the elements of QTE. Of course, there were no shortcomings. Many will be disappointed with a completely sluggish development of the main plot, half -dead pumping of characters, almost the complete absence of a loot and the hated scanning of the planets in addition, but all these are trifles compared to the main. Mass Effect 2 – This is a grandiose and spectacular adventure in the company of damn charismatic comrades. Adventure in which you yourself choose how events will develop.

Pros: kinematographic;Great characters;humor;the ability to import your hero;interesting dialogs;scope and epic.
Cons: The main storyline is disappointed;tedious collection of resources;It is impossible with Samara.