At the very end of last year, Gamemia went to Chicago, where the studio settled Netherrealm – Developers, perhaps the most beloved players in the CIS of the Faiting series: Mortal Kombat.
Fighting alternately with each other, then with the developers, we spent the whole day in the game – and still did not play enough. The gameplay here is exactly what we were waiting for. Calls the best parts of the series in memory and at the same time diluted with a mass of interesting finds. We'll talk about them now.
Before you abbreviated version of the material. The full version of our unique report, including a detailed story about the newly Living Kun Lao and the impressions of the Netherrealm Studios office, read in the latest issue of Gamery magazine!
Fact 1: The pace of fighting has increased significantly
Mortal Kombat X will be the fastest in the series, which is noticeable primarily in terms of the speed of movement of fighters. The timings of the blows, by and large, have changed little, but the steps, running, falling bodies and other movements of the fighters in space accelerated noticeably.
We deliberately compared the sensations from the ninth and tenth parts, playing several rounds alternately. And they were even surprised: who would have thought that Scorpio threw his harpoon so slowly, and even waited a good half a second before pulling his opponent. In MKX, he tears the chain back without any preludes, barely “Get Over Geere!»He has time to rush.
► One of the branded techniques of the aged Kun Lao is frequent and common strikes on the face of a fixed opponent.
Fact 2: The positions of the fighters are now extremely important
A lot is now tied to your position, since a considerable share of techniques from now on does not affect the opponent directly, and something changes on the map. For example, the Kun Lao Hat, which he can “hang” somewhere, and then pull it back to him.
A hat hanging in the air, in fact, is a finished trap. It is worth a careless opponent to be between Kun Lao and the hat and gall up for a moment, as she will instantly hit him in the back. But if he stands behind a hat or, say, under it – nothing threatens him, because she returns to the owner along the shortest trajectory. Thus, hanging it somewhere, Kun Lao creates a certain danger zone in the arena, which is better to avoid to the enemy. And if it did not work, prepare an additional attack.
Probably, each of the characters has a pair of techniques of a similar sense, which as a result will greatly change the usual tactics of the battle. It will not be enough to confidently put on the combinations and catch the enemy for reception – it is important not to be in an unnecessary place at an unnecessary time.
► The exubbed edges of the hat are a sign of the “circular saw” style. Get ready to repel attacks at the same time on two sides.
Fact 3: Arena are less interactive than in Injustice
In the arena of the hazard zone, interactive objects create. IN MKX there will be much less of them than in Injustice , In addition, the majority is not restored after applying. The developers explain this by the fact that they want to focus on the interaction of fighters. Arena has the right to amend the tactics, but in no case should play a key role in its construction.
The solution is understandable, but it still decreases fun. In addition, the game will not even have the opportunity to transfer the enemy to another arena. Where the battle began, it will continue. Strange, because in the series it has been for centuries, and in Injustice and it was possible to go back several times and back several times.
► On this map you can rush into the enemy … grandmothers. Unfortunately, none of them got into the frame. ► a corpse made to the shore could be thrown into an opponent. This is one of the few updated interactive objects.
Fact 4: The skills of fighters will become more diverse
Some of the fighters will be treated during the battle, others will damage themselves in exchange for a temporary increase in combat power, and others simply to strengthen themselves in accordance with the current situation. Such techniques for the series are new, but they provide the differences of the characters. In the end, twenty -four fighters, three variations for each – this is a lot, and so that they do not resemble each other, you have to make it sophisticated. Let's see how the whole thing will take root.
► fighters now of different growth and complexion. And the ladies promise to give individual bodies, and not one for all, as MK 9.
Fact 5: Fractions will appear in the network game
To ensure metagragra for many years, the developers have created a single global rating system called FACTIONS. Having first launched a network game, you can join one of the five factions to play for it: “White Lotus”, the Lin Cui, “Shadow Brotherhood”, “Black Dragon” clan or simple and understandable “Special Forces”.
This choice is purely aesthetic, only the emblem and background drawings depend on it. You can take any characters, even Sonya in the ranks of the "shadow brotherhood", even though Ryden in special forces. Heroes belonging to the faction are nothing more than formality, so as not to spoil the pleasure of the game.
Speaking for your faction and winning in battles, you bring glasses to a common piggy bank. When the season ends, the faction that scored most points will be recognized as the winner, and she will get valuable buns. Which ones are not that a secret, just the developers have not yet resolved this issue. As well as how much the seasons will last, how often and at what point it will be possible to change the fraction (otherwise at the end of the season, the full people will want to move to those who win), and many others.
► This is the emblems of all five fractions. And on the left below you can see what achievements are adding additional income.
Fact 6: fights – only in one -on -one mode
You can fight both one on one and in the teams of five people. Then the result of the match will depend not only on you, but also on four partners, for which you can root, making bets on them, and in which case – blame for all failures. But the battles themselves will now always be held in one -on -one mode.
Tag Match, where you could play two characters and switch between them during the battle, did not add-supposedly due to unpopularity. But we want to see him in the game and have already left the corresponding application. In fact, it is also much more funny.
► Some of the characters at times get weapons. Ed Bun says that the mechanics of the battle with weapons, as in Mk 4 , Still worked out.
Fact 7: Tests of tests will change dynamically
For single -user entertainment, new modes will also appear. There are now three trials of tests, and all dynamic. Not three hundred pre -prescribed floors, as in Mk 9 , A regularly changing set of tasks with great variability. Each of the towers is updated through different segments of time: one every few hours, the other – every day, the third, as the developers put it, "on holidays". Maybe once a week, or maybe the update will really be timed to important dates.
Types of tests are promised a mass. The developers came up with about a hundred gameplay modifiers alone: a battle in the dark, a fight under orbital shelling, a fight with low gravity, a fight with instant Uppercotta, accelerated battle ..
► It seems that the four -handed city will reappear in the game – alive and unharmed. Really flirting again over time? Or just parallel worlds?
Fact 8: The game will have “Achivka”, as in Injustice
In addition to modifiers, achievements are stated. For example, win without once jumping. Or fight without blocks. Or with one feet. It is not necessary to fulfill all these conditions – they will simply give more points for them based on the results of the match. And in an individual piggy bank that can be spent on something, and in the “treasury” of the selected faction-to approach the victory in the season. Yes, the tests of the tests are rather conditionally “single” – all the same, all your actions will be reflected on the online. Unfortunately, what the earned glasses will go to, the developers are not distributed yet.
► on a map with jungle you can sway on the vines, attacking the enemy from the air.
Fact 9: The plot of the game will last twenty years
As you remember, they promise us a twenty -year -old piece of history after the events Mk 9. Not "twenty years later", namely twenty years, starting from the end of the ninth part. We will start playing another young characters who will somehow change during the narrative. Who will get old, who will die, and who is generally the god of thunder, and that he was those twenty years, did not even change clothes.
And since in the multiplayer we will be offered to play precisely for the “aged” characters, it is logical to assume that their “young” versions will be available in the form of skins. Well, in fact, do not disappear?
► Di'arra constantly moves up from somewhere. If not a tentacle from the sides, so a poisonous spike from the palm of your hand. BRR!
Fact 10: The game has become more gloomy and cruel
They are going to release the game both on the old and on the new generation of consoles, so there is no need to wait for revelations from the graphics of revelations. The developers, however, assure that they squeeze the maximum of the possibilities of iron, so it will be both beautiful and productively. At least sixty frames per second promise iron – Netherrealm themselves know very well that at thirty, no one plays in fighting wings.
The picture in the game has become much darker and darker. Small details like drops of sweat and grains of grains. There was more violence and blood than ever! Only now it looks somehow completely caricatured. For some reason, in the ninth part of the fatticity and X-ray techniques looked much more spectacular. Perhaps it is a matter of some "plastic" textures of the new game.
► On the question of drawing details: the famous “freezing” of the Sab-Ziro, it turns out, is not a ball at all, but a star!
* * *
Mortal Kombat X I left mixed feelings, but still more positive. We are still wary of “non -canonical” characters, however, game mechanics convinces us that with a tenth of the legendary fighting wing, everything will be fine.
We will wait?
Mortal Kombat became even faster and acquired innovations in mechanics. Without fundamentally changing anything, the developers added diversity in battles and brought the game to a new level.
Waiting rating: 95%